class Net::SSH::Proxy::Jump

def build_proxy_command_equivalent(connection_options = nil)

option was specified during `Net::SSH.start`.
We cannot build the ProxyCommand template until we know if the :config
def build_proxy_command_equivalent(connection_options = nil)
  first_jump, extra_jumps = jump_proxies.split(",", 2)
  config = connection_options && connection_options[:config]
  uri = URI.parse("ssh://#{first_jump}")
  template = "ssh".dup
  template << " -l #{uri.user}"    if uri.user
  template << " -p #{uri.port}"    if uri.port
  template << " -J #{extra_jumps}" if extra_jumps
  template << " -F #{config}" if config != true && config
  template << " -W %h:%p "
  template <<
  @command_line_template = template