# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'stringio'
module YARD
module Parser
# Raised when an object is recognized but cannot be documented. This
# generally occurs when the Ruby syntax used to declare an object is
# too dynamic in nature.
class UndocumentableError < RuntimeError; end
# Raised when the parser sees a Ruby syntax error
class ParserSyntaxError < UndocumentableError; end
# Responsible for parsing a list of files in order. The
# {#parse} method of this class can be called from the
# {SourceParser#globals} globals state list to re-enter
# parsing for the remainder of files in the list recursively.
# @see Processor#parse_remaining_files
class OrderedParser
# @return [Array<String>] the list of remaining files to parse
attr_accessor :files
# Creates a new OrderedParser with the global state and a list
# of files to parse.
# @note OrderedParser sets itself as the +ordered_parser+ key on
# global_state for later use in {Handlers::Processor}.
# @param [OpenStruct] global_state a structure containing all global
# state during parsing
# @param [Array<String>] files the list of files to parse
def initialize(global_state, files)
@global_state = global_state
@files = files.dup
@global_state.ordered_parser = self
# Parses the remainder of the {#files} list.
# @see Processor#parse_remaining_files
def parse
until files.empty?
file = files.shift
log.capture("Parsing #{file}") do
SourceParser.new(SourceParser.parser_type, @global_state).parse(file)
# Responsible for parsing a source file into the namespace. Parsing
# also invokes handlers to process the parsed statements and generate
# any code objects that may be recognized.
# == Custom Parsers
# SourceParser allows custom parsers to be registered and called when
# a certain filetype is recognized. To register a parser and hook it
# up to a set of file extensions, call {register_parser_type}
# @see register_parser_type
# @see Handlers::Base
# @see CodeObjects::Base
class SourceParser
SHEBANG_LINE = /\A\s*#!\S+/
ENCODING_LINE = %r{\A(?:\s*#*!.*\r?\n)?\s*(?:#+|/\*+|//+).*coding\s*[:=]{1,2}\s*([a-z\d_\-]+)}i
FROZEN_STRING_LINE = /frozen(-|_)string(-|_)literal:\s+(true|false)/i
# The default glob of files to be parsed.
# @since 0.9.0
DEFAULT_PATH_GLOB = ["{lib,app}/**/*.rb", "ext/**/*.{c,cc,cxx,cpp,rb}"]
# Byte order marks for various encodings
# @since 0.7.0
'utf-8' => String.new("\xEF\xBB\xBF"),
# Not yet supported
# 'utf-16be' => "\xFE\xFF",
# 'utf-16le' => "\xFF\xFE",
# 'utf-32be' => "\x00\x00\xFF\xFE",
# 'utf-32le' => "\xFF\xFE",
class << self
# @return [Symbol] the default parser type (defaults to :ruby)
attr_reader :parser_type
def parser_type=(value)
@parser_type = validated_parser_type(value)
# Parses a path or set of paths
# @param [String, Array<String>] paths a path, glob, or list of paths to
# parse
# @param [Array<String, Regexp>] excluded a list of excluded path matchers
# @param [Fixnum] level the logger level to use during parsing. See
# {YARD::Logger}
# @return [void]
def parse(paths = DEFAULT_PATH_GLOB, excluded = [], level = log.level)
log.debug("Parsing #{paths.inspect} with `#{parser_type}` parser")
excluded = excluded.map do |path|
case path
when Regexp; path
else Regexp.new(path.to_s, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
files = [paths].flatten.
map {|p| File.directory?(p) ? "#{p}/**/*.{rb,c,cc,cxx,cpp}" : p }.
map {|p| p.include?("*") ? Dir[p].sort_by {|d| [d.length, d] } : p }.flatten.
reject {|p| !File.file?(p) || excluded.any? {|re| p =~ re } }.
map {|p| p.encoding == Encoding.default_external ? p : p.dup.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) }
log.enter_level(level) do
# Parses a string +content+
# @param [String] content the block of code to parse
# @param [Symbol] ptype the parser type to use. See {parser_type}.
# @return the parser object that was used to parse +content+
def parse_string(content, ptype = parser_type)
# Tokenizes but does not parse the block of code
# @param [String] content the block of code to tokenize
# @param [Symbol] ptype the parser type to use. See {parser_type}.
# @return [Array] a list of tokens
def tokenize(content, ptype = parser_type)
# Registers a new parser type.
# @example Registering a parser for "java" files
# SourceParser.register_parser_type :java, JavaParser, 'java'
# @param [Symbol] type a symbolic name for the parser type
# @param [Base] parser_klass a class that implements parsing and tokenization
# @param [Array<String>, String, Regexp] extensions a list of extensions or a
# regex to match against the file extension
# @return [void]
# @see Parser::Base
def register_parser_type(type, parser_klass, extensions = nil)
unless Base > parser_klass
raise ArgumentError, "expecting parser_klass to be a subclass of YARD::Parser::Base"
parser_type_extensions[type.to_sym] = extensions if extensions
parser_types[type.to_sym] = parser_klass
# @return [Hash{Symbol=>Object}] a list of registered parser types
# @private
# @since 0.5.6
def parser_types; @@parser_types ||= {} end
def parser_types=(value) @@parser_types = value end
# @return [Hash] a list of registered parser type extensions
# @private
# @since 0.5.6
def parser_type_extensions; @@parser_type_extensions ||= {} end
def parser_type_extensions=(value) @@parser_type_extensions = value end
# Finds a parser type that is registered for the extension. If no
# type is found, the default Ruby type is returned.
# @return [Symbol] the parser type to be used for the extension
# @since 0.5.6
def parser_type_for_extension(extension)
type = parser_type_extensions.find do |_t, exts|
[exts].flatten.any? {|ext| ext === extension }
validated_parser_type(type ? type.first : :ruby)
# Returns the validated parser type. Basically, enforces that :ruby
# type is never set if the Ripper library is not available
# @param [Symbol] type the parser type to set
# @return [Symbol] the validated parser type
# @private
def validated_parser_type(type)
!defined?(::Ripper) && type == :ruby ? :ruby18 : type
# @group Parser Callbacks
# Registers a callback to be called before a list of files is parsed
# via {parse}. The block passed to this method will be called on
# subsequent parse calls.
# @example Installing a simple callback
# SourceParser.before_parse_list do |files, globals|
# puts "Starting to parse..."
# end
# YARD.parse('lib/**/*.rb')
# # prints "Starting to parse..."
# @example Setting global state
# SourceParser.before_parse_list do |files, globals|
# globals.method_count = 0
# end
# SourceParser.after_parse_list do |files, globals|
# puts "Found #{globals.method_count} methods"
# end
# class MyCountHandler < Handlers::Ruby::Base
# handles :def, :defs
# process { globals.method_count += 1 }
# end
# YARD.parse
# # Prints: "Found 37 methods"
# @example Using a global callback to cancel parsing
# SourceParser.before_parse_list do |files, globals|
# return false if files.include?('foo.rb')
# end
# YARD.parse(['foo.rb', 'bar.rb']) # callback cancels this method
# YARD.parse('bar.rb') # parses normally
# @yield [files, globals] the yielded block is called once before
# parsing all files
# @yieldparam [Array<String>] files the list of files that will be parsed.
# @yieldparam [OpenStruct] globals a global structure to store arbitrary
# state for post processing (see {Handlers::Processor#globals})
# @yieldreturn [Boolean] if the block returns +false+, parsing is
# cancelled.
# @return [Proc] the yielded block
# @see after_parse_list
# @see before_parse_file
# @since 0.7.0
def before_parse_list(&block)
before_parse_list_callbacks << block
# Registers a callback to be called after a list of files is parsed
# via {parse}. The block passed to this method will be called on
# subsequent parse calls.
# @example Printing results after parsing occurs
# SourceParser.after_parse_list do
# puts "Finished parsing!"
# end
# YARD.parse
# # Prints "Finished parsing!" after parsing files
# @yield [files, globals] the yielded block is called once before
# parsing all files
# @yieldparam [Array<String>] files the list of files that will be parsed.
# @yieldparam [OpenStruct] globals a global structure to store arbitrary
# state for post processing (see {Handlers::Processor#globals})
# @yieldreturn [void] the return value for the block is ignored.
# @return [Proc] the yielded block
# @see before_parse_list
# @see before_parse_file
# @since 0.7.0
def after_parse_list(&block)
after_parse_list_callbacks << block
# Registers a callback to be called before an individual file is parsed.
# The block passed to this method will be called on subsequent parse
# calls.
# To register a callback that is called before the entire list of files
# is processed, see {before_parse_list}.
# @example Installing a simple callback
# SourceParser.before_parse_file do |parser|
# puts "I'm parsing #{parser.file}"
# end
# YARD.parse('lib/**/*.rb')
# # prints:
# "I'm parsing lib/foo.rb"
# "I'm parsing lib/foo_bar.rb"
# "I'm parsing lib/last_file.rb"
# @example Cancel parsing of any test_*.rb files
# SourceParser.before_parse_file do |parser|
# return false if parser.file =~ /^test_.+\.rb$/
# end
# @yield [parser] the yielded block is called once before each
# file that is parsed. This might happen many times for a single
# codebase.
# @yieldparam [SourceParser] parser the parser object that will {#parse}
# the file.
# @yieldreturn [Boolean] if the block returns +false+, parsing for
# the file is cancelled.
# @return [Proc] the yielded block
# @see after_parse_file
# @see before_parse_list
# @since 0.7.0
def before_parse_file(&block)
before_parse_file_callbacks << block
# Registers a callback to be called after an individual file is parsed.
# The block passed to this method will be called on subsequent parse
# calls.
# To register a callback that is called after the entire list of files
# is processed, see {after_parse_list}.
# @example Printing the length of each file after it is parsed
# SourceParser.after_parse_file do |parser|
# puts "#{parser.file} is #{parser.contents.size} characters"
# end
# YARD.parse('lib/**/*.rb')
# # prints:
# "lib/foo.rb is 1240 characters"
# "lib/foo_bar.rb is 248 characters"
# @yield [parser] the yielded block is called once after each file
# that is parsed. This might happen many times for a single codebase.
# @yieldparam [SourceParser] parser the parser object that parsed
# the file.
# @yieldreturn [void] the return value for the block is ignored.
# @return [Proc] the yielded block
# @see before_parse_file
# @see after_parse_list
# @since 0.7.0
def after_parse_file(&block)
after_parse_file_callbacks << block
# @return [Array<Proc>] the list of callbacks to be called before
# parsing a list of files. Should only be used for testing.
# @since 0.7.0
def before_parse_list_callbacks
@before_parse_list_callbacks ||= []
# @return [Array<Proc>] the list of callbacks to be called after
# parsing a list of files. Should only be used for testing.
# @since 0.7.0
def after_parse_list_callbacks
@after_parse_list_callbacks ||= []
# @return [Array<Proc>] the list of callbacks to be called before
# parsing a file. Should only be used for testing.
# @since 0.7.0
def before_parse_file_callbacks
@before_parse_file_callbacks ||= []
# @return [Array<Proc>] the list of callbacks to be called after
# parsing a file. Should only be used for testing.
# @since 0.7.0
def after_parse_file_callbacks
@after_parse_file_callbacks ||= []
# @endgroup
# Parses a list of files in a queue.
# @param [Array<String>] files a list of files to queue for parsing
# @return [void]
def parse_in_order(*files)
global_state = OpenStruct.new
return if before_parse_list_callbacks.any? do |cb|
cb.call(files, global_state) == false
OrderedParser.new(global_state, files).parse
after_parse_list_callbacks.each do |cb|
cb.call(files, global_state)
register_parser_type :ruby, Ruby::RubyParser
register_parser_type :ruby18, Ruby::Legacy::RubyParser
register_parser_type :c, C::CParser, ['c', 'cc', 'cxx', 'cpp']
self.parser_type = :ruby
# @return [String] the filename being parsed by the parser.
attr_accessor :file
# @return [Symbol] the parser type associated with the parser instance.
# This should be set by the {#initialize constructor}.
attr_reader :parser_type
# @return [OpenStruct] an open struct containing arbitrary global state
# shared between files and handlers.
# @since 0.7.0
attr_reader :globals
# @return [String] the contents of the file to be parsed
# @since 0.7.0
attr_reader :contents
# @overload initialize(parser_type = SourceParser.parser_type, globals = nil)
# Creates a new parser object for code parsing with a specific parser type.
# @param [Symbol] parser_type the parser type to use
# @param [OpenStruct] globals global state to be re-used across separate source files
def initialize(parser_type = SourceParser.parser_type, globals1 = nil, globals2 = nil)
globals = [true, false].include?(globals1) ? globals2 : globals1
@file = '(stdin)'
@globals = globals || OpenStruct.new
self.parser_type = parser_type
# The main parser method. This should not be called directly. Instead,
# use the class methods {parse} and {parse_string}.
# @param [String, #read, Object] content the source file to parse
# @return [Object, nil] the parser object used to parse the source
def parse(content = __FILE__)
case content
when String
@file = File.cleanpath(content)
content = convert_encoding(String.new(File.read_binary(file)))
checksum = Registry.checksum_for(content)
return if Registry.checksums[file] == checksum
if Registry.checksums.key?(file)
log.info "File '#{file}' was modified, re-processing..."
Registry.checksums[@file] = checksum
self.parser_type = parser_type_for_filename(file)
content = content.read if content.respond_to? :read
@contents = content
@parser = parser_class.new(content, file)
self.class.before_parse_file_callbacks.each do |cb|
return @parser if cb.call(self) == false
self.class.after_parse_file_callbacks.each do |cb|
rescue ArgumentError, NotImplementedError => e
log.warn("Cannot parse `#{file}': #{e.message}")
log.backtrace(e, :warn)
rescue ParserSyntaxError => e
log.backtrace(e, :warn)
# Tokenizes but does not parse the block of code using the current {#parser_type}
# @param [String] content the block of code to tokenize
# @return [Array] a list of tokens
def tokenize(content)
@parser = parser_class.new(content, file)
# Searches for encoding line and forces encoding
# @since 0.5.3
def convert_encoding(content)
return content unless content.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
if content =~ ENCODING_LINE
ENCODING_BYTE_ORDER_MARKS.each do |encoding, bom|
if content.start_with?(bom)
return content.sub(bom, '').force_encoding(encoding)
content.force_encoding('utf-8') # UTF-8 is default encoding
# Runs a {Handlers::Processor} object to post process the parsed statements.
# @return [void]
def post_process
return unless @parser.respond_to?(:enumerator)
enumerator = @parser.enumerator
if enumerator
post = Handlers::Processor.new(self)
def parser_type=(value)
@parser_type = self.class.validated_parser_type(value)
# Guesses the parser type to use depending on the file extension.
# @param [String] filename the filename to use to guess the parser type
# @return [Symbol] a parser type that matches the filename
def parser_type_for_filename(filename)
ext = (File.extname(filename)[1..-1] || "").downcase
type = self.class.parser_type_for_extension(ext)
parser_type == :ruby18 && type == :ruby ? :ruby18 : type
# @since 0.5.6
def parser_class
klass = self.class.parser_types[parser_type]
unless klass
raise ArgumentError, "invalid parser type '#{parser_type}' or unrecognized file", caller[1..-1]