# frozen_string_literal: true module YARD module Server # Implements static caching for requests. # # @see Router Router documentation for "Caching" module StaticCaching # Called by a router to return the cached object. By default, this # method performs disk-based caching. To perform other forms of caching, # implement your own +#check_static_cache+ method and mix the module into # the Router class. # # Note that caching does not occur here. This method simply checks for # the existence of cached data. To actually cache a response, see # {Commands::Base#cache}. # # @example Implementing In-Memory Cache Checking # module MemoryCaching # def check_static_cache # # $memory_cache is filled by {Commands::Base#cache} # cached_data = $memory_cache[request.path] # if cached_data # [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, [cached_data]] # else # nil # end # end # end # # class YARD::Server::Router; include MemoryCaching; end # @return [Array(Numeric,Hash,Array)] the Rack-style response # @return [nil] if no cache is available and routing should continue # @see Commands::Base#cache def check_static_cache return nil unless adapter.document_root cache_path = File.join(adapter.document_root, request.path.sub(/\.html$/, '') + '.html') cache_path = cache_path.sub(%r{/\.html$}, '.html') if File.file?(cache_path) log.debug "Loading cache from disk: #{cache_path}" return [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, [File.read_binary(cache_path)]] end nil end end end end