class ActionController::LogSubscriber
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/action_controller/log_subscriber.rbs class ActionController::LogSubscriber < ActionController::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber def logger: () -> ActiveSupport::Logger def process_action: (ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event event) -> Integer def start_processing: (ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event event) -> Integer end
def halted_callback(event)
def halted_callback(event) info { "Filter chain halted as #{event.payload[:filter].inspect} rendered or redirected" } end
def logger
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def logger: () -> ActiveSupport::Logger
This signature was generated using 10 samples from 1 application.
def logger ActionController::Base.logger end
def process_action(event)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def process_action: (ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event event) -> Integer
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def process_action(event) info do payload = event.payload additions = ActionController::Base.log_process_action(payload) status = payload[:status] if status.nil? && (exception_class_name = payload[:exception]&.first) status = ActionDispatch::ExceptionWrapper.status_code_for_exception(exception_class_name) end additions << "Allocations: #{event.allocations}" message = +"Completed #{status} #{Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status]} in #{event.duration.round}ms" message << " (#{additions.join(" | ")})" message << "\n\n" if defined?(Rails.env) && Rails.env.development? message end end
def redirect_to(event)
def redirect_to(event) info { "Redirected to #{event.payload[:location]}" } end
def send_data(event)
def send_data(event) info { "Sent data #{event.payload[:filename]} (#{event.duration.round(1)}ms)" } end
def send_file(event)
def send_file(event) info { "Sent file #{event.payload[:path]} (#{event.duration.round(1)}ms)" } end
def start_processing(event)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def start_processing: (ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event event) -> Integer
This signature was generated using 2 samples from 2 applications.
def start_processing(event) return unless payload = event.payload params = payload[:params].except(*INTERNAL_PARAMS) format = payload[:format] format = format.to_s.upcase if format.is_a?(Symbol) format = "*/*" if format.nil? info "Processing by #{payload[:controller]}##{payload[:action]} as #{format}" info " Parameters: #{params.inspect}" unless params.empty? end
def unpermitted_parameters(event)
def unpermitted_parameters(event) debug do unpermitted_keys = event.payload[:keys] display_unpermitted_keys = { |e| ":#{e}" }.join(", ") context = event.payload[:context].map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v}" }.join(", ") color("Unpermitted parameter#{'s' if unpermitted_keys.size > 1}: #{display_unpermitted_keys}. Context: { #{context} }", RED) end end