class ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::Browser
def configure
def configure initialize_options yield options if block_given? && options end
def initialize(name)
def initialize(name) @name = name set_default_options end
def initialize_options
def initialize_options @options ||= case type when :chrome when :firefox end end
def preload
update the webdriver once and avoid race conditions when using
proc to update web drivers. Running this proc early allows us to only
driver_path can be configured as a proc. The webdrivers gem uses this
def preload case type when :chrome ::Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service.driver_path&.call when :firefox ::Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Service.driver_path&.call end end
def set_default_options
def set_default_options case name when :headless_chrome set_headless_chrome_browser_options when :headless_firefox set_headless_firefox_browser_options end end
def set_headless_chrome_browser_options
def set_headless_chrome_browser_options configure do |capabilities| capabilities.add_argument("--headless") capabilities.add_argument("--disable-gpu") if Gem.win_platform? end end
def set_headless_firefox_browser_options
def set_headless_firefox_browser_options configure do |capabilities| capabilities.add_argument("-headless") end end
def type
def type case name when :headless_chrome :chrome when :headless_firefox :firefox else name end end