class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Generator
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rbs class ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet::Generator def controller: () -> String def generate: () -> ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter::RouteWithParams def initialize: (String named_route, Hash options, Hash recall, ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet set) -> void def named_route_exists?: () -> ActionDispatch::Journey::Route def normalize_controller!: () -> String def normalize_controller_action_id!: () -> nil def normalize_options!: () -> String def segment_keys: () -> Array[Symbol] def use_recall_for: (Symbol key) -> nil def use_relative_controller!: () -> nil end
def controller
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def controller: () -> String
This signature was generated using 182 samples from 1 application.
def controller @options[:controller] end
def current_controller
def current_controller @recall[:controller] end
def different_controller?
def different_controller? return false unless current_controller controller.to_param != current_controller.to_param end
def generate
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def generate: () -> ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter::RouteWithParams
This signature was generated using 51 samples from 1 application.
Generates a path from routes, returns a RouteWithParams or MissingRoute.
def generate @set.formatter.generate(named_route, options, recall) end
def initialize(named_route, options, recall, set)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
type ActionDispatch__Routing__RouteSet__Generator_initialize_options = controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | class | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | module | ModuleDefinition | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | Gem::Version | | controller | String | action | String | id | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | class_id | String | id | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | class | String | name | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | file | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | guide | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | id | ModuleDefinition | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | id | String type ActionDispatch__Routing__RouteSet__Generator_initialize_recall = | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | controller | String | action | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | id | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | class_id | String | id | String | id | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | file | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | guide | String | format | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | id | String | format | String | controller | String | action | String | gem | String | version | String | class | String | name | String def initialize: (String named_route, ActionDispatch__Routing__RouteSet__Generator_initialize_options options, ActionDispatch__Routing__RouteSet__Generator_initialize_recall recall, ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet set) -> void
This signature was generated using 73 samples from 2 applications.
def initialize(named_route, options, recall, set) @named_route = named_route @options = options @recall = recall @set = set normalize_options! normalize_controller_action_id! use_relative_controller! normalize_controller! end
def named_route_exists?
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def named_route_exists?: () -> ActionDispatch::Journey::Route
This signature was generated using 29 samples from 1 application.
def named_route_exists? named_route && set.named_routes[named_route] end
def normalize_controller!
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def normalize_controller!: () -> String
This signature was generated using 66 samples from 1 application.
def normalize_controller! if controller if controller.start_with?("/") @options[:controller] = controller[1..-1] else @options[:controller] = controller end end end
def normalize_controller_action_id!
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def normalize_controller_action_id!: () -> nil
This signature was generated using 55 samples from 1 application.
:controller, :action or :id is not found, don't pull any
or if the key in the options is identical. If any of
The recall key is only used if there is no key in the options
This pulls :controller, :action, and :id out of the recall.
def normalize_controller_action_id! use_recall_for(:controller) || return use_recall_for(:action) || return use_recall_for(:id) end
def normalize_options!
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def normalize_options!: () -> String
This signature was generated using 66 samples from 1 application.
def normalize_options! # If an explicit :controller was given, always make :action explicit # too, so that action expiry works as expected for things like # # generate({controller: 'content'}, {controller: 'content', action: 'show'}) # # (the above is from the unit tests). In the above case, because the # controller was explicitly given, but no action, the action is implied to # be "index", not the recalled action of "show". if options[:controller] options[:action] ||= "index" options[:controller] = options[:controller].to_s end if options.key?(:action) options[:action] = (options[:action] || "index").to_s end end
def segment_keys
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def segment_keys: () -> Symbol | Symbol
This signature was generated using 25 samples from 1 application.
def segment_keys set.named_routes[named_route].segment_keys end
def use_recall_for(key)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def use_recall_for: (Symbol key) -> nil
This signature was generated using 67 samples from 2 applications.
def use_recall_for(key) if @recall[key] && (!@options.key?(key) || @options[key] == @recall[key]) if !named_route_exists? || segment_keys.include?(key) @options[key] = @recall[key] end end end
def use_relative_controller!
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def use_relative_controller!: () -> nil
This signature was generated using 67 samples from 1 application.
if the current controller is "foo/bar/baz" and controller: "baz/bat"
def use_relative_controller! if !named_route && different_controller? && !controller.start_with?("/") old_parts = current_controller.split("/") size = controller.count("/") + 1 parts = old_parts[0...-size] << controller @options[:controller] = parts.join("/") end end