module ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation
def accepts
def accepts fetch_header("action_dispatch.request.accepts") do |k| header = get_header("HTTP_ACCEPT").to_s.strip v = if header.empty? [content_mime_type] else Mime::Type.parse(header) end set_header k, v rescue ::Mime::Type::InvalidMimeType => e raise InvalidType, e.message end end
def content_mime_type
def content_mime_type fetch_header("action_dispatch.request.content_type") do |k| v = if get_header("CONTENT_TYPE") =~ /^([^,;]*)/ Mime::Type.lookup($1.strip.downcase) else nil end set_header k, v rescue ::Mime::Type::InvalidMimeType => e raise InvalidType, e.message end end
def content_type
def content_type if self.class.return_only_media_type_on_content_type ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "Rails 7.1 will return Content-Type header without modification." \ " If you want just the MIME type, please use `#media_type` instead." ) content_mime_type&.to_s else super end end
def format(view_path = [])
GET /posts/5 | request.format => Mime[:html] or Mime[:js], or request.accepts.first
GET /posts/5.xhtml | request.format => Mime[:html]
GET /posts/5.xml | request.format => Mime[:xml]
Returns the MIME type for the \format used in the request.
def format(view_path = []) formats.first || Mime::NullType.instance end
def format=(extension)
request.format = :iphone if request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"][/iPhone/]
def adjust_format_for_iphone
before_action :adjust_format_for_iphone
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
that are not controlled by the extension.
Sets the \format by string extension, which can be used to force custom formats
def format=(extension) parameters[:format] = extension.to_s set_header "action_dispatch.request.formats", [Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(parameters[:format])] end
def format_from_path_extension # :doc:
def format_from_path_extension # :doc: path = get_header("action_dispatch.original_path") || get_header("PATH_INFO") if match = path && path.match(/\.(\w+)\z/) Mime[match.captures.first] end end
def formats
def formats fetch_header("action_dispatch.request.formats") do |k| v = if params_readable? Array(Mime[parameters[:format]]) elsif use_accept_header && valid_accept_header accepts elsif extension_format = format_from_path_extension [extension_format] elsif xhr? [Mime[:js]] else [Mime[:html]] end v = do |format| format.symbol || format.ref == "*/*" end set_header k, v end end
def formats=(extensions)
request.formats = [ :iphone, :html ] if request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"][/iPhone/]
def adjust_format_for_iphone_with_html_fallback
before_action :adjust_format_for_iphone_with_html_fallback
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
to the +:html+ format.
In this example, the +:iphone+ format will be used if it's available, otherwise it'll fallback
to set multiple, ordered formats, which is useful when you want to have a fallback.
Sets the \formats by string extensions. This differs from #format= by allowing you
def formats=(extensions) parameters[:format] = extensions.first.to_s set_header "action_dispatch.request.formats", extensions.collect { |extension| Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(extension) } end
def has_content_type? # :nodoc:
def has_content_type? # :nodoc: get_header "CONTENT_TYPE" end
def negotiate_mime(order)
def negotiate_mime(order) formats.each do |priority| if priority == Mime::ALL return order.first elsif order.include?(priority) return priority end end order.include?(Mime::ALL) ? format : nil end
def params_readable? # :doc:
def params_readable? # :doc: parameters[:format] rescue *RESCUABLE_MIME_FORMAT_ERRORS false end
def should_apply_vary_header?
def should_apply_vary_header? !params_readable? && use_accept_header && valid_accept_header end
def use_accept_header # :doc:
def use_accept_header # :doc: !self.class.ignore_accept_header end
def valid_accept_header # :doc:
def valid_accept_header # :doc: (xhr? && (accept.present? || content_mime_type)) || (accept.present? && !accept.match?(BROWSER_LIKE_ACCEPTS)) end
def variant
def variant @variant ||= end
def variant=(variant)
def variant=(variant) variant = Array(variant) if variant.all?(Symbol) @variant = else raise ArgumentError, "request.variant must be set to a Symbol or an Array of Symbols." end end