class ActionDispatch::Request

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/action_dispatch/http/request.rbs

class ActionDispatch::Request
  def POST: () -> untyped
  def check_method: (String name) -> String
  def commit_flash: () -> nil
  def content_length: () -> Integer
  def controller_class: () -> Class
  def controller_class_for: (String name) -> Class
  def controller_instance=: (GemsController controller) -> GemsController
  def form_data?: () -> false
  def fullpath: () -> String
  def headers: () -> ActionDispatch::Http::Headers
  def initialize: (Hash env) -> void
  def local?: () -> true
  def media_type: () -> nil
  def original_fullpath: () -> String
  def original_url: () -> String
  def remote_ip: () -> String
  def request_method: () -> String
  def request_parameters=: (Hash params) -> Hash
  def routes: () -> ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet
  def xml_http_request?: () -> false

def self.empty

def self.empty

def GET

Override Rack's GET method to support indifferent access.
def GET
  fetch_header("action_dispatch.request.query_parameters") do |k|
    rack_query_params = super || {}
    controller = path_parameters[:controller]
    action = path_parameters[:action]
    rack_query_params = Request::Utils.set_binary_encoding(self, rack_query_params, controller, action)
    # Check for non UTF-8 parameter values, which would cause errors later
    set_header k, Request::Utils.normalize_encode_params(rack_query_params)
rescue Rack::Utils::ParameterTypeError, Rack::Utils::InvalidParameterError, Rack::QueryParser::ParamsTooDeepError => e
  raise"Invalid query parameters: #{e.message}")

def POST

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def POST: () -> untyped

This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.

Override Rack's POST method to support indifferent access.
def POST
  fetch_header("action_dispatch.request.request_parameters") do
    pr = parse_formatted_parameters(params_parsers) do |params|
      super || {}
    pr = Request::Utils.set_binary_encoding(self, pr, path_parameters[:controller], path_parameters[:action])
    self.request_parameters = Request::Utils.normalize_encode_params(pr)
rescue Rack::Utils::ParameterTypeError, Rack::Utils::InvalidParameterError, Rack::QueryParser::ParamsTooDeepError, EOFError => e
  raise"Invalid request parameters: #{e.message}")

def authorization

proxy alternatives.
Returns the authorization header regardless of whether it was specified directly or through one of the
def authorization
  get_header("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")   ||
  get_header("X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") ||
  get_header("X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") ||

def body

variable is already set, wrap it in a StringIO.
The request body is an IO input stream. If the RAW_POST_DATA environment
def body
  if raw_post = get_header("RAW_POST_DATA")
    raw_post = (+raw_post).force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)

def body_stream # :nodoc:

def body_stream # :nodoc:

def check_method(name)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def check_method: (String name) -> String

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

def check_method(name)
  HTTP_METHOD_LOOKUP[name] || raise(ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod, "#{name}, accepted HTTP methods are #{HTTP_METHODS[0...-1].join(', ')}, and #{HTTP_METHODS[-1]}")

def commit_cookie_jar! # :nodoc:

def commit_cookie_jar! # :nodoc:

def commit_flash

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def commit_flash: () -> nil

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

def commit_flash

def content_length

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def content_length: () -> Integer

This signature was generated using 3 samples from 1 application.

Returns the content length of the request as an integer.
def content_length

def controller_class

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def controller_class: () -> Class

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 2 applications.

def controller_class
  params = path_parameters
  params[:action] ||= "index"

def controller_class_for(name)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def controller_class_for: (String name) -> Class

This signature was generated using 5 samples from 1 application.

def controller_class_for(name)
  if name
    controller_param = name.underscore
    const_name = controller_param.camelize << "Controller"
    rescue NameError => error
      if error.missing_name == const_name || const_name.start_with?("#{error.missing_name}::")

def controller_instance # :nodoc:

def controller_instance # :nodoc:

def controller_instance=(controller) # :nodoc:

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def controller_instance=: (GemsController controller) -> GemsController

This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.

def controller_instance=(controller) # :nodoc:
  set_header("action_controller.instance", controller)

def default_session

def default_session

def engine_script_name(_routes) # :nodoc:

def engine_script_name(_routes) # :nodoc:

def engine_script_name=(name) # :nodoc:

def engine_script_name=(name) # :nodoc:
  set_header(routes.env_key, name.dup)

def form_data?

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def form_data?: () -> false

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

+Content-Type+ header is provided and the request_method is POST.
A request body is not assumed to contain form-data when no

list of form-data media types can be modified through the
+application/x-www-form-urlencoded+ or +multipart/form-data+. The
the request +Content-Type+ for one of the media-types:
Determine whether the request body contains form-data by checking
def form_data?

def fullpath

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def fullpath: () -> String

This signature was generated using 3 samples from 1 application.

request.fullpath # => "/articles?page=2"
# get "/articles?page=2"

request.fullpath # => "/articles"
# get "/articles"

Returns the +String+ full path including params of the last URL requested.
def fullpath
  @fullpath ||= super

def headers

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def headers: () -> ActionDispatch::Http::Headers

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

request.headers["Content-Type"] # => "text/plain"

Provides access to the request's HTTP headers, for example:
def headers
  @headers ||=

def http_auth_salt

def http_auth_salt
  get_header "action_dispatch.http_auth_salt"

def initialize(env)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

type ActionDispatch__Request_initialize_env = rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | String | HTTP_COOKIE | String | HTTP_CONNECTION | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | HTTP_REFERER | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | Puma::NullIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.routes | ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet | ROUTES_13500_SCRIPT_NAME | String | ORIGINAL_FULLPATH | String | ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME | String | action_dispatch.authorized_host | String | action_dispatch.request_id | String | action_dispatch.remote_ip | ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::GetIp | rack.session | ActionDispatch::Request::Session | rack.session.options | ActionDispatch::Request::Session::Options | rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE | String | HTTP_COOKIE | String | HTTP_CONNECTION | String | HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | Puma::NullIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.routes | ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet | ROUTES_13460_SCRIPT_NAME | String | ORIGINAL_FULLPATH | String | ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME | String | action_dispatch.authorized_host | String | action_dispatch.request_id | String | action_dispatch.remote_ip | ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::GetIp | rack.session | ActionDispatch::Request::Session | rack.session.options | ActionDispatch::Request::Session::Options | rack.tempfiles |  | rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | CONTENT_TYPE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET | String | CONTENT_LENGTH | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | StringIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.routes | ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet | ROUTES_13460_SCRIPT_NAME | String | ORIGINAL_FULLPATH | String | ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME | String | action_dispatch.authorized_host | String | action_dispatch.request_id | String | rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | CONTENT_TYPE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET | String | CONTENT_LENGTH | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | StringIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.routes | ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet | ROUTES_13460_SCRIPT_NAME | String | ORIGINAL_FULLPATH | String | ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME | String | action_dispatch.authorized_host | String | action_dispatch.request_id | String | action_dispatch.remote_ip | ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::GetIp | rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | String | HTTP_COOKIE | String | HTTP_CONNECTION | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | HTTP_REFERER | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | Puma::NullIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.routes | ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet | ROUTES_13500_SCRIPT_NAME | String | ORIGINAL_FULLPATH | String | ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME | String | action_dispatch.authorized_host | String | action_dispatch.request_id | String | action_dispatch.remote_ip | ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::GetIp | rack.session | ActionDispatch::Request::Session | rack.session.options | ActionDispatch::Request::Session::Options | rack.tempfiles |  | rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | String | HTTP_COOKIE | String | HTTP_CONNECTION | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | HTTP_REFERER | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | Puma::NullIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.routes | ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet | ROUTES_14080_SCRIPT_NAME | String | ORIGINAL_FULLPATH | String | ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME | String | action_dispatch.authorized_host | String | action_dispatch.request_id | String | action_dispatch.remote_ip | ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::GetIp | rack.session | ActionDispatch::Request::Session | rack.session.options | ActionDispatch::Request::Session::Options | rack.tempfiles |  | rack.version | Integer | rack.errors | IO | rack.multithread | TrueClass | rack.multiprocess | FalseClass | rack.run_once | FalseClass | rack.url_scheme | String | SCRIPT_NAME | String | QUERY_STRING | String | SERVER_SOFTWARE | String | GATEWAY_INTERFACE | String | REQUEST_METHOD | String | REQUEST_PATH | String | REQUEST_URI | String | SERVER_PROTOCOL | String | HTTP_HOST | String | HTTP_CONNECTION | String | HTTP_SEC_CH_UA | String | HTTP_ACCEPT | String | HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_MOBILE | String | HTTP_USER_AGENT | String | HTTP_SEC_CH_UA_PLATFORM | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_MODE | String | HTTP_SEC_FETCH_DEST | String | HTTP_REFERER | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING | String | HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE | String | HTTP_COOKIE | String | puma.request_body_wait | Float | SERVER_NAME | String | SERVER_PORT | String | PATH_INFO | String | REMOTE_ADDR | String | HTTP_VERSION | String | puma.socket | TCPSocket | rack.hijack? | TrueClass | rack.hijack | Puma::Client | rack.input | Puma::NullIO | rack.after_reply |  | puma.config | Puma::Configuration | action_dispatch.parameter_filter | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | Symbol | action_dispatch.redirect_filter |  | action_dispatch.secret_key_base | String | action_dispatch.show_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.show_detailed_exceptions | TrueClass | action_dispatch.log_rescued_responses | TrueClass | action_dispatch.logger | ActiveSupport::Logger | action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner | Rails::BacktraceCleaner | action_dispatch.key_generator | ActiveSupport::CachingKeyGenerator | action_dispatch.http_auth_salt | String | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.encrypted_signed_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.authenticated_encrypted_cookie_salt | String | action_dispatch.use_authenticated_cookie_encryption | TrueClass | action_dispatch.encrypted_cookie_cipher | NilClass | action_dispatch.signed_cookie_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_serializer | Symbol | action_dispatch.cookies_digest | NilClass | action_dispatch.cookies_rotations | ActiveSupport::Messages::RotationConfiguration | action_dispatch.cookies_same_site_protection | Proc | action_dispatch.use_cookies_with_metadata | TrueClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_report_only | FalseClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_generator | NilClass | action_dispatch.content_security_policy_nonce_directives | NilClass | action_dispatch.permissions_policy | NilClass

def initialize: (ActionDispatch__Request_initialize_env env) -> void

This signature was generated using 14 samples from 1 application.

def initialize(env)
  @method            = nil
  @request_method    = nil
  @remote_ip         = nil
  @original_fullpath = nil
  @fullpath          = nil
  @ip                = nil

def inspect # :nodoc:

def inspect # :nodoc:
  "#<#{} #{method} #{original_url.dump} for #{remote_ip}>"

def ip

Returns the IP address of client as a +String+.
def ip
  @ip ||= super

def key?(key)

request.key? :ip_spoofing_check # => true

Returns true if the request has a header matching the given key parameter.
def key?(key)
  has_header? key

def local?

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def local?: () -> true

This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.

True if the request came from localhost,, or ::1.
def local?
  LOCALHOST.match?(remote_addr) && LOCALHOST.match?(remote_ip)

def logger

def logger

def media_type

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def media_type: () -> nil

This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.

request.media_type # => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
# get "/articles"

The +String+ MIME type of the request.
def media_type

def method

more information.
even if it was overridden by middleware. See #request_method for
Returns the original value of the environment's REQUEST_METHOD,
def method
  @method ||= check_method(get_header("rack.methodoverride.original_method") || get_header("REQUEST_METHOD"))

def method_symbol

Returns a symbol form of the #method.
def method_symbol

def original_fullpath

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def original_fullpath: () -> String

This signature was generated using 45 samples from 1 application.

request.original_fullpath # => '/foo?bar'
# get '/foo?bar'

request.original_fullpath # => '/foo'
# get '/foo'

Returns a +String+ with the last requested path including their params.
def original_fullpath
  @original_fullpath ||= (get_header("ORIGINAL_FULLPATH") || fullpath)

def original_url

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def original_url: () -> String

This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.

request.original_url # => ""
# get "/articles?page=2"

Returns the original request URL as a +String+.
def original_url
  base_url + original_fullpath

def raw_post

work with raw requests directly.
Read the request \body. This is useful for web services that need to
def raw_post
  unless has_header? "RAW_POST_DATA"
    raw_post_body = body
    raw_post_body.rewind if raw_post_body.respond_to?(:rewind)
  get_header "RAW_POST_DATA"

def remote_ip

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def remote_ip: () -> String

This signature was generated using 4 samples from 1 application.

usually set by the RemoteIp middleware.
Returns the IP address of client as a +String+,
def remote_ip
  @remote_ip ||= (get_header("action_dispatch.remote_ip") || ip).to_s

def remote_ip=(remote_ip)

def remote_ip=(remote_ip)
  @remote_ip = nil
  set_header "action_dispatch.remote_ip", remote_ip

def request_id

This relies on the Rack variable set by the ActionDispatch::RequestId middleware.
This unique ID is useful for tracing a request from end-to-end as part of logging or debugging.

(which sets the +action_dispatch.request_id+ environment variable).
be generated by a firewall, load balancer, or web server, or by the RequestId middleware
Returns the unique request id, which is based on either the +X-Request-Id+ header that can
def request_id

def request_id=(id) # :nodoc:

def request_id=(id) # :nodoc:

def request_method

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def request_method: () -> String

This signature was generated using 12 samples from 1 application.

value, not the original.
the application should use), this \method returns the overridden
or if a _method parameter was used to determine the \method
(for instance, if a HEAD request was converted to a GET,
In the case where the \method was overridden by a middleware
Returns the HTTP \method that the application should see.
def request_method
  @request_method ||= check_method(super)

def request_method=(request_method) # :nodoc:

def request_method=(request_method) # :nodoc:
  if check_method(request_method)
    @request_method = set_header("REQUEST_METHOD", request_method)

def request_method_symbol

Returns a symbol form of the #request_method.
def request_method_symbol

def request_parameters=(params)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def request_parameters=: ( params) ->

This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.

def request_parameters=(params)
  raise if params.nil?
  set_header("action_dispatch.request.request_parameters", params)

def reset_session

def reset_session

def routes # :nodoc:

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def routes: () -> ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet

This signature was generated using 43 samples from 1 application.

def routes # :nodoc:

def routes=(routes) # :nodoc:

def routes=(routes) # :nodoc:
  set_header("action_dispatch.routes", routes)

def send_early_hints(links)

Early Hints headers are included by default if supported.
If you are using +javascript_include_tag+ or +stylesheet_link_tag+ the

send_early_hints("Link" => "; rel=preload; as=style\n; rel=preload")

The +send_early_hints+ method accepts a hash of links as follows:

If the env contains +rack.early_hints+ then the server accepts HTTP2 push for Link headers.

making preparations for processing the final response.
Early Hints is an HTTP/2 status code that indicates hints to help a client start
def send_early_hints(links)
  return unless env["rack.early_hints"]

def server_software

Returns the lowercase name of the HTTP server software.
def server_software
  (get_header("SERVER_SOFTWARE") && /^([a-zA-Z]+)/ =~ get_header("SERVER_SOFTWARE")) ? $1.downcase : nil

def session=(session) # :nodoc:

def session=(session) # :nodoc:
  Session.set self, session

def session_options=(options)

def session_options=(options)
  Session::Options.set self, options

def show_exceptions? # :nodoc:

def show_exceptions? # :nodoc:
  # We're treating `nil` as "unset", and we want the default setting to be
  # `true`. This logic should be extracted to `env_config` and calculated
  # once.
  !(get_header("action_dispatch.show_exceptions") == false)

def xml_http_request?

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def xml_http_request?: () -> false

This signature was generated using 5 samples from 1 application.

choice of JavaScript libraries and frameworks.
(case-insensitive), which may need to be manually added depending on the
Returns true if the +X-Requested-With+ header contains "XMLHttpRequest"
def xml_http_request?