class ActionDispatch::PermissionsPolicy
keep the old header name and implementation for now.
middleware in the future we use the new name for the middleware but
yet supported by all browsers. To avoid having to rename this
The Permissions-Policy requires a different implementation and isn’t
The Feature-Policy header has been renamed to Permissions-Policy.
policy.payment :self, “”
policy.fullscreen :self
policy.usb :none
policy.microphone :none
policy.gyroscope :none :none
Rails.application.config.permissions_policy do |policy|
Example global policy:
its iframes can use.
response header to specify which browser features the current document and
Configures the HTTP
= Action Dispatch PermissionsPolicy
def apply_mapping(source)
def apply_mapping(source) MAPPINGS.fetch(source) do raise ArgumentError, "Unknown HTTP permissions policy source mapping: #{source.inspect}" end end
def apply_mappings(sources)
def apply_mappings(sources) do |source| case source when Symbol apply_mapping(source) when String, Proc source else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid HTTP permissions policy source: #{source.inspect}" end end end
def build(context = nil)
def build(context = nil) build_directives(context).compact.join("; ") end
def build_directive(sources, context)
def build_directive(sources, context) { |source| resolve_source(source, context) } end
def build_directives(context)
def build_directives(context) do |directive, sources| if sources.is_a?(Array) "#{directive} #{build_directive(sources, context).join(' ')}" elsif sources directive else nil end end end
def initialize
def initialize @directives = {} yield self if block_given? end
def initialize_copy(other)
def initialize_copy(other) @directives = other.directives.deep_dup end
def resolve_source(source, context)
def resolve_source(source, context) case source when String source when Symbol source.to_s when Proc if context.nil? raise RuntimeError, "Missing context for the dynamic permissions policy source: #{source.inspect}" else context.instance_exec(&source) end else raise RuntimeError, "Unexpected permissions policy source: #{source.inspect}" end end