class ActionDispatch::PublicExceptions
will attempt to convert error information into the appropriate response type.
When a request with a content type other than HTML is made, this middleware
is not found it will fall back on /public/500.html
the template in /public/500.<locale>.html
. If an internationalized template
If an internationalized locale is set, this middleware will attempt to render
render the template found in /public/500.html
directory. For example when this middleware receives a 500 response it will
response is expected it will render static error pages from the /public
When called, this middleware renders an error page. By default if an HTML
= Action Dispatch PublicExceptions
def call(env)
def call(env) request = status = request.path_info[1..-1].to_i begin content_type = request.formats.first rescue ActionDispatch::Http::MimeNegotiation::InvalidType content_type = Mime[:text] end body = { status: status, error: Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES.fetch(status, Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[500]) } render(status, content_type, body) end
def initialize(public_path)
def initialize(public_path) @public_path = public_path end
def render(status, content_type, body)
def render(status, content_type, body) format = "to_#{content_type.to_sym}" if content_type if format && body.respond_to?(format) render_format(status, content_type, body.public_send(format)) else render_html(status) end end
def render_format(status, content_type, body)
def render_format(status, content_type, body) [status, { Rack::CONTENT_TYPE => "#{content_type}; charset=#{ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset}", Rack::CONTENT_LENGTH => body.bytesize.to_s }, [body]] end
def render_html(status)
def render_html(status) path = "#{public_path}/#{status}.#{I18n.locale}.html" path = "#{public_path}/#{status}.html" unless (found = File.exist?(path)) if found || File.exist?(path) render_format(status, "text/html", else [404, { Constants::X_CASCADE => "pass" }, []] end end