class ActionDispatch::FileHandler
def each_candidate_filepath(path_info)
def each_candidate_filepath(path_info) return unless path = clean_path(path_info) ext = ::File.extname(path) content_type = ::Rack::Mime.mime_type(ext, nil) yield path, content_type || "text/plain" # Tack on .html and /index.html only for paths that don't have # an explicit, resolvable file extension. No need to check # for foo.js.html and foo.js/index.html. unless content_type default_ext = ::ActionController::Base.default_static_extension if ext != default_ext default_content_type = ::Rack::Mime.mime_type(default_ext, "text/plain") yield "#{path}#{default_ext}", default_content_type yield "#{path}/#{@index}#{default_ext}", default_content_type end end nil end