module ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping
def scope(*args)
resources :posts
scope as: "sekret" do
# prefix the routing helper name: +sekret_posts_path+ instead of +posts_path+
resources :posts
scope path: "/admin" do
# prefix the posts resource's requests with '/admin'
resources :posts
scope module: "admin" do
# route /posts (without the prefix /admin) to +Admin::PostsController+
Takes same options as Base#match and Resources#resources.
=== Options
rather than /accounts/:account_id/projects.
The difference here being that the routes generated are like /:account_id/projects,
This generates helpers such as +account_projects_path+, just like +resources+ does.
resources :projects
scope path: ":account_id", as: "account" do
Take the following route definition as an example:
Scopes a set of routes to the given default options.
def scope(*args) options = args.extract_options!.dup scope = {} options[:path] = args.flatten.join("/") if args.any? options[:constraints] ||= {} unless nested_scope? options[:shallow_path] ||= options[:path] if options.key?(:path) options[:shallow_prefix] ||= options[:as] if options.key?(:as) end if options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash) defaults = options[:constraints].select do |k, v| URL_OPTIONS.include?(k) && (v.is_a?(String) || v.is_a?(Integer)) end options[:defaults] = defaults.merge(options[:defaults] || {}) else block, options[:constraints] = options[:constraints], {} end if options.key?(:only) || options.key?(:except) scope[:action_options] = { only: options.delete(:only), except: options.delete(:except) } end if options.key? :anchor raise ArgumentError, "anchor is ignored unless passed to `match`" end @scope.options.each do |option| if option == :blocks value = block elsif option == :options value = options else value = options.delete(option) { POISON } end unless POISON == value scope[option] = send("merge_#{option}_scope", @scope[option], value) end end @scope = scope yield self ensure @scope = @scope.parent end