class ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker
ActiveSupport::Reloader.to_prepare do
i18n_reloader = do
they are changed upon a new request.
This class is used by Rails to reload the I18n framework whenever
the block only if there was really a change in the filesystem.
After initialization, a call to execute_if_updated
must execute
* execute_if_updated
which just executes the block if it was updated.
and updates the latest watched files and timestamp.
* execute
which executes the given block on initialization
the filesystem or not.
* updated?
which returns a boolean if there were updates in
described below.
* initialize
which expects two parameters and one block as
and control reloading. The API depends on four methods:
FileUpdateChecker specifies the API used by Rails to watch files
= File Update Checker
def compile_ext(array)
def compile_ext(array) array = Array(array) return if array.empty? ".{#{array.join(",")}}" end
def compile_glob(hash)
def compile_glob(hash) hash.freeze # Freeze so changes aren't accidentally pushed return if hash.empty? globs = do |key, value| "#{escape(key)}/**/*#{compile_ext(value)}" end "{#{globs.join(",")}}" end
def escape(key)
def escape(key) key.gsub(",", '\,') end
def execute
Executes the given block and updates the latest watched files and
def execute @last_watched = watched @last_update_at = updated_at(@last_watched) ensure @watched = nil @updated_at = nil end
def execute_if_updated
def execute_if_updated if updated? yield if block_given? execute true else false end end
def initialize(files, dirs = {}, &block)
changes. The array of files and list of directories cannot be changed
This method must also receive a block that will be called once a path
watched under that directory.
have directories as keys and the value is an array of extensions to be
of files and the second is an optional hash of directories. The hash must
It accepts two parameters on initialization. The first is an array
def initialize(files, dirs = {}, &block) unless block raise ArgumentError, "A block is required to initialize a FileUpdateChecker" end @files = files.freeze @glob = compile_glob(dirs) @block = block @watched = nil @updated_at = nil @last_watched = watched @last_update_at = updated_at(@last_watched) end
def max_mtime(paths)
healthy to consider this edge case because with mtimes in the future
can happen for example if the user changes the clock by hand. It is
Files with a mtime in the future are ignored. Such abnormal situation
if the array is empty.
This method returns the maximum mtime of the files in +paths+, or +nil+
def max_mtime(paths) time_now = max_mtime = nil # Time comparisons are performed with #compare_without_coercion because # AS redefines these operators in a way that is much slower and does not # bring any benefit in this particular code. # # Read t1.compare_without_coercion(t2) < 0 as t1 < t2. paths.each do |path| mtime = File.mtime(path) next if time_now.compare_without_coercion(mtime) < 0 if max_mtime.nil? || max_mtime.compare_without_coercion(mtime) < 0 max_mtime = mtime end end max_mtime end
def updated?
updated_at values are cached until the block is executed via +execute+
Check if any of the entries were updated. If so, the watched and/or
def updated? current_watched = watched if @last_watched.size != current_watched.size @watched = current_watched true else current_updated_at = updated_at(current_watched) if @last_update_at < current_updated_at @watched = current_watched @updated_at = current_updated_at true else false end end end
def updated_at(paths)
def updated_at(paths) @updated_at || max_mtime(paths) || end
def watched
def watched @watched || begin all = { |f| File.exist?(f) } all.concat(Dir[@glob]) if @glob all end end