class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanSizeConverter
def base
def base 1024 end
def conversion_format
def conversion_format translate_number_value_with_default("human.storage_units.format", locale: options[:locale], raise: true) end
def convert
def convert @number = Float(number) # For backwards compatibility with those that didn't add strip_insignificant_zeros to their locale files. unless options.key?(:strip_insignificant_zeros) options[:strip_insignificant_zeros] = true end if smaller_than_base? number_to_format = number.to_i.to_s else human_size = number / (base**exponent) number_to_format = NumberToRoundedConverter.convert(human_size, options) end conversion_format.gsub("%n", number_to_format).gsub("%u", unit) end
def exponent
def exponent max = STORAGE_UNITS.size - 1 exp = (Math.log(number.abs) / Math.log(base)).to_i exp = max if exp > max # avoid overflow for the highest unit exp end
def smaller_than_base?
def smaller_than_base? number.to_i.abs < base end
def storage_unit_key
def storage_unit_key key_end = smaller_than_base? ? "byte" : STORAGE_UNITS[exponent] "human.storage_units.units.#{key_end}" end
def unit
def unit translate_number_value_with_default(storage_unit_key, locale: options[:locale], count: number.to_i, raise: true) end