class ActiveSupport::NumberHelper::NumberToHumanConverter
def calculate_exponent(units)
def calculate_exponent(units) exponent = number != 0 ? Math.log10(number.abs).floor : 0 unit_exponents(units).find { |e| exponent >= e } || 0 end
def convert # :nodoc:
def convert # :nodoc: @number = @number = Float(number) # For backwards compatibility with those that didn't add strip_insignificant_zeros to their locale files. unless options.key?(:strip_insignificant_zeros) options[:strip_insignificant_zeros] = true end units = opts[:units] exponent = calculate_exponent(units) @number = number / (10**exponent) rounded_number = NumberToRoundedConverter.convert(number, options) unit = determine_unit(units, exponent) format.gsub("%n", rounded_number).gsub("%u", unit).strip end
def determine_unit(units, exponent)
def determine_unit(units, exponent) exp = DECIMAL_UNITS[exponent] case units when Hash units[exp] || "" when String, Symbol I18n.translate("#{units}.#{exp}", locale: options[:locale], count: number.to_i) else translate_in_locale("human.decimal_units.units.#{exp}", count: number.to_i) end end
def format
def format options[:format] || translate_in_locale("human.decimal_units.format") end
def unit_exponents(units)
def unit_exponents(units) case units when Hash units when String, Symbol I18n.translate(units.to_s, locale: options[:locale], raise: true) when nil translate_in_locale("human.decimal_units.units", raise: true) else raise ArgumentError, ":units must be a Hash or String translation scope." { |e_name| INVERTED_DECIMAL_UNITS[e_name] }.sort_by(&:-@) end