class ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
implements an in-memory cache inside of a block.MemCacheStore
implements the Strategy::LocalCache strategy which
server goes down, then MemCacheStore
will ignore it until it comes back up.
and MemCacheStore
will load balance between all available servers. If a
- Clustering and load balancing. One can specify multiple memcached servers,
Special features:
This is currently the most popular cache store for production websites.
A cache store implementation which stores data in Memcached:
= Memcached Cache Store
def self.build_mem_cache(*addresses) # :nodoc:
# => #
# => #
- "" (otherwise)
- ENV["MEMCACHE_SERVERS"] (if defined)
If no addresses are provided, we give nil to Dalli::Client, so it uses its fallbacks:
Creates a new Dalli::Client instance with specified addresses and options.
def self.build_mem_cache(*addresses) # :nodoc: addresses = addresses.flatten options = addresses.extract_options! addresses = nil if addresses.compact.empty? pool_options = retrieve_pool_options(options) if pool_options {, options.merge(threadsafe: false)) } else, options) end end
def self.supports_cache_versioning?
def self.supports_cache_versioning? true end
def clear(options = nil)
Clear the entire cache on all memcached servers. This method should
def clear(options = nil) rescue_error_with(nil) { @data.with { |c| c.flush_all } } end
def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Decrementing a non-numeric value, or a value written without
cache.decrement("baz") # => 4
cache.write("baz", 5, raw: true)
To set a specific value, call #write passing raw: true:
cache.decrement("foo") # => 0
does not support negative counters.
If the key is unset or has expired, it will be set to 0. Memcached
Returns the updated value.
Decrement a cached integer value using the memcached decr atomic operator.
def decrement(name, amount = 1, options = nil) options = merged_options(options) instrument(:decrement, name, amount: amount) do rescue_error_with nil do @data.with { |c| c.decr(normalize_key(name, options), amount, options[:expires_in], 0) } end end end
def default_serializer
def default_serializer if Cache.format_version == 6.1 ActiveSupport.deprecator.warn <<~EOM Support for `config.active_support.cache_format_version = 6.1` has been deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.2. Check the Rails upgrade guide at for more information on how to upgrade. EOM Cache::SerializerWithFallback[:passthrough] else super end end
def delete_entry(key, **options)
def delete_entry(key, **options) rescue_error_with(false) { @data.with { |c| c.delete(key) } } end
def deserialize_entry(payload, raw: false, **)
def deserialize_entry(payload, raw: false, **) if payload && raw else super(payload) end end
def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil)
Incrementing a non-numeric value, or a value written without
cache.increment("baz") # => 6
cache.write("baz", 5, raw: true)
To set a specific value, call #write passing raw: true:
cache.increment("bar", 100) # => 100
cache.increment("foo") # => 1
If the key is unset or has expired, it will be set to +amount+:
Returns the updated value.
Increment a cached integer value using the memcached incr atomic operator.
def increment(name, amount = 1, options = nil) options = merged_options(options) instrument(:increment, name, amount: amount) do rescue_error_with nil do @data.with { |c| c.incr(normalize_key(name, options), amount, options[:expires_in], amount) } end end end
def initialize(*addresses)
+MemCacheStore+ will connect to localhost:11211 (the default memcached port).
If no addresses are provided, but ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS'] is defined, it will be used instead. Otherwise,"localhost", "server-downstairs.localnetwork:8229")
in the form of "host_name:port". For example:
addresses. Each address is either a host name, or a host-with-port string
Creates a new +MemCacheStore+ object, with the given memcached server
def initialize(*addresses) addresses = addresses.flatten options = addresses.extract_options! if options.key?(:cache_nils) options[:skip_nil] = !options.delete(:cache_nils) end super(options) unless [String, Dalli::Client, NilClass].include?(addresses.first.class) raise ArgumentError, "First argument must be an empty array, address, or array of addresses." end if addresses.first.is_a?(Dalli::Client) ActiveSupport.deprecator.warn(<<~MSG) Initializing MemCacheStore with a Dalli::Client is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.2. Use memcached server addresses instead. MSG @data = addresses.first else @mem_cache_options = options.dup # The value "compress: false" prevents duplicate compression within Dalli. @mem_cache_options[:compress] = false (OVERRIDDEN_OPTIONS - %i(compress)).each { |name| @mem_cache_options.delete(name) } @data = self.class.build_mem_cache(*(addresses + [@mem_cache_options])) end end
def inspect
def inspect instance = @data || @mem_cache_options "#<#{self.class} options=#{options.inspect} mem_cache=#{instance.inspect}>" end
def normalize_key(key, options)
before applying the regular expression to ensure we are escaping all
Memcache keys are binaries. So we need to force their encoding to binary
def normalize_key(key, options) key = super if key key = key.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) key = key.gsub(ESCAPE_KEY_CHARS) { |match| "%#{match.getbyte(0).to_s(16).upcase}" } if key.size > KEY_MAX_SIZE key_separator = ":hash:" key_hash = ActiveSupport::Digest.hexdigest(key) key_trim_size = KEY_MAX_SIZE - key_separator.size - key_hash.size key = "#{key[0, key_trim_size]}#{key_separator}#{key_hash}" end end key end
def read_entry(key, **options)
def read_entry(key, **options) deserialize_entry(read_serialized_entry(key, **options), **options) end
def read_multi_entries(names, **options)
def read_multi_entries(names, **options) keys_to_names = names.index_by { |name| normalize_key(name, options) } raw_values = begin @data.with { |c| c.get_multi(keys_to_names.keys) } rescue Dalli::UnmarshalError {} end values = {} raw_values.each do |key, value| entry = deserialize_entry(value, raw: options[:raw]) unless entry.nil? || entry.expired? || entry.mismatched?(normalize_version(keys_to_names[key], options)) begin values[keys_to_names[key]] = entry.value rescue DeserializationError end end end values end
def read_serialized_entry(key, **options)
def read_serialized_entry(key, **options) rescue_error_with(nil) do @data.with { |c| c.get(key, options) } end end
def rescue_error_with(fallback)
def rescue_error_with(fallback) yield rescue Dalli::DalliError => error logger.error("DalliError (#{error}): #{error.message}") if logger ActiveSupport.error_reporter&.report( error, severity: :warning, source: "mem_cache_store.active_support", ) fallback end
def serialize_entry(entry, raw: false, **options)
def serialize_entry(entry, raw: false, **options) if raw entry.value.to_s else super(entry, raw: raw, **options) end end
def stats
def stats @data.with { |c| c.stats } end
def write_entry(key, entry, **options)
def write_entry(key, entry, **options) write_serialized_entry(key, serialize_entry(entry, **options), **options) end
def write_serialized_entry(key, payload, **options)
def write_serialized_entry(key, payload, **options) method = options[:unless_exist] ? :add : :set expires_in = options[:expires_in].to_i if options[:race_condition_ttl] && expires_in > 0 && !options[:raw] # Set the memcache expire a few minutes in the future to support race condition ttls on read expires_in += 5.minutes end rescue_error_with false do # Don't pass compress option to Dalli since we are already dealing with compression. options.delete(:compress) @data.with { |c| c.send(method, key, payload, expires_in, **options) } end end