module ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging::Formatter
def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
def call(severity, timestamp, progname, msg) super(severity, timestamp, progname, tag_stack.format_message(msg)) end
def clear_tags!
def clear_tags! tag_stack.clear end
def current_tags
def current_tags tag_stack.tags end
def pop_tags(count = 1)
def pop_tags(count = 1) tag_stack.pop_tags(count) end
def push_tags(*tags)
def push_tags(*tags) tag_stack.push_tags(tags) end
def tag_stack
def tag_stack # We use our object ID here to avoid conflicting with other instances @thread_key ||= "activesupport_tagged_logging_tags:#{object_id}" IsolatedExecutionState[@thread_key] ||= end
def tagged(*tags)
def tagged(*tags) pushed_count = tag_stack.push_tags(tags).size yield self ensure pop_tags(pushed_count) end
def tags_text
def tags_text tag_stack.format_message("") end