class ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
def initialize(*addresses)
+MemCacheStore+ will connect to localhost:11211 (the default memcached port).
If no addresses are provided, but ENV['MEMCACHE_SERVERS'] is defined, it will be used instead. Otherwise,"localhost", "server-downstairs.localnetwork:8229")
in the form of "host_name:port". For example:
addresses. Each address is either a host name, or a host-with-port string
Creates a new +MemCacheStore+ object, with the given memcached server
def initialize(*addresses) addresses = addresses.flatten options = addresses.extract_options! if options.key?(:cache_nils) options[:skip_nil] = !options.delete(:cache_nils) end super(options) unless [String, Dalli::Client, NilClass].include?(addresses.first.class) raise ArgumentError, "First argument must be an empty array, address, or array of addresses." end if addresses.first.is_a?(Dalli::Client) ActiveSupport.deprecator.warn(<<~MSG) Initializing MemCacheStore with a Dalli::Client is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.2. Use memcached server addresses instead. MSG @data = addresses.first else @mem_cache_options = options.dup # The value "compress: false" prevents duplicate compression within Dalli. @mem_cache_options[:compress] = false (OVERRIDDEN_OPTIONS - %i(compress)).each { |name| @mem_cache_options.delete(name) } @data = self.class.build_mem_cache(*(addresses + [@mem_cache_options])) end end